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Remote interview Tv and video shoots Amsterdam The Netherlands

Tv journalist, reporters and producers can conduct interviews from anywhere in the world with interviewees in The Netherlands.  Our Tv remote interview setup consists of a camera with a two monitors attached. The main monitor (yellow) is the camera operator's reference monitor and the monitor mounted at the camera's side is the remote journalist facing the interviewee. The journalist will see the direct camera feed as recorded in camera. Filmcrew Amsterdam's remote Tv interview setup works with any video conference platform like Skype, Zoom, Google Meet. Microsoft Teams, Amazon Chime etc.

For Livestreaming of events, keynotes, presentations or other live video content from Amsterdam and any location in the Netherlands worldwide check our sister company Livestreaming.Amsterdam

Remote Tv and video shoots Amsterdam The Netherlands 

Remote Tv and production in Amsterdam and the rest of the Netherlands solves travel costs and issues by connecting international partners to our virtual video village. Camera feeds are streamed in real time to those who are unable to be physically present on set. Communication channels are established to make sure that remote participants can contribute, approve takes and direct as if they were on set themselves as well as conduct interviews.

We provide remote shootings options which clients can direct themselves from any worldwide location by offering them our virtual video village. Camera feeds, single camera as well as multicam can be live streamed to any video platform like Skype, Zoom, Google Meet with a muticam live view.